The Guild of Photographers Award Ceremony & The Photohubs Image Competition

Well, what a weekend I’ve had and I’m delighted to share my good news with you all. 

Creative Light 2.0 Image Competition

First of all on Friday I attended an online photography event, Creative Light 2.0, hosted by Photohubs.  An amazing online event with some great presentations by very talented photographers. Following the presentations, the last hour and a half was dedicated to an image competition which was open to all attendees. The judging was carried out live (via Zoom) by Gary Hill, Claire Elliot and Charlotte Bellamy, who are three of the panel judges with the Guild of Photographers, so a huge amount of judging experience between them. They judged every single image live and whittled it down to a final 3. It was a nerve wracking experience to watch but I’m delighted to say that I was announced the winner with my image of the ‘Duke of Wellington’ below. I have attached the 2nd and 3rd place images as well just so you can see how high the standard was in this competition. Big congrats to the runners up :). My prize for winning is £100 worth of fine art print paper from Hahnemuehle. Thanks to them for sponsoring this event.


My winning image of the Duke of Wellington statue in Glasgow.

Screenshot 2021-02-07 at 18.34.52.jpg

So, that was the Creative Light 2.0 event. I learned a lot and won a competition, happy days.

The Guild of photographers 2020 awards

The next day, Saturday 6th Feb, was the 2020 Awards Ceremony for the Guild of Photographers. This event is usually a grand affair held in Crewe Hall. However, due to COVID19 it was an online affair this year and was broadcast via Facebook live. If you have seen my previous blog you will be aware that I was named as a Finalist in three separate categories with three separate images for the Image of the Year competition. The event ran smoothly thanks to the amazing organisation and hard work by everyone at the Guild. The standard of images on display was absolutely amazing and again, it was a nerve wracking experience just watching it all unfolding, knowing I had images in the running for awards. I didn’t win any of the categories, however, I was completely blown away when my image of a stag won the ‘Members Choice’ Overall Image of the Year. To be a finalist in a competition of such a high standard and amongst some great photographers is an honour in itself, but to have those very photographers vote for one my images is just something special. I can’t thank everyone who voted enough. My image was chosen from over 16,000 entries in 2020, so I am not exaggerating when I say I was completely blown away. The Member Choice award was sponsored by Digitalab and my prize is a £250.00 voucher to use with them.

It really has been a great 1st year for me with the Guild.

  • ‘Members Choice’ Overall Image of the Year.

  • Top 10 finalist in the ‘Urban’ category Image of the Year

  • Top 10 finalist in the ‘Nature & Wildlife’ category Image of the Year.

  • Top 10 finalist in the ‘Commercial’ category Image of the Year.


Members Choice Overall Image of the Year 2020

The Image of the Month competition for 2021 is well underway and it will be another interesting year given the current situation. Getting out for new photo’s is not easy, it’s also not a priority in the grand scheme of things but hopefully we will be back to some kind of normality sometime soon. take care and stay safe.

If anyone is interested in finding out more about the Guild of photographers please visit this link for more details. If you do consider joining then please use this referal link for a discount :)